Monday, April 24, 2023

How does military time differ from regular time?

If you work in the military, or if you're just inquisitive about timekeeping, you may have noticed that the military uses a different system of telling time than the one used in everyday life. This is referred to as "military time" and it is slightly different from ordinary time.

In the world of civilian time, it is 12:00 am (midnight) until 11:59 am. After that, the clock resets and it is 12:00 pm (noon) until 11:59 pm. In military time, however, the hours are numbered from 00 to 23. So instead of midnight being 12:00 am like in regular time, it's 0000 hours (pronounced oh hundred hours). Then at 0100 hours until noon it is 1 through 11 and then 1200 hours until 2359 which is 11pm.

The other difference between regular and military time lies in how minutes are expressed. In everyday time when minutes pass over 30 minutes they are expressed with a colon : followed by quarter hour increments (45 minutes for example). In military time however minutes are expressed with a "hundred" after them (2123 for instance would be twenty one hundred twenty-three). This allows for much more accurate timing among the military organization such as tasks accomplished in a certain amount of hours rather than half an hour or so depending on whether or not its over thirty minutes!

Military personnel must use this system in order to accurately communicate orders and keep troops coordinated and on schedule- something that's critical when lives are on the line! To convert regular times to soldiers understand easily use this simple method : take off twelve from any number greater than twelve to get its corresponding miltary number (example 8:40am would be 2040 hrs).

See more about military time chart

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